5 SEO Tips for Guest Blogging
- Building links
- Driving targeted traffic
- Spreading your brand
- Increasing your social following
- Building relationships
There's no
reason for concentrating strictly on SEO when guest blogging. The
benefits are diverse and transcend the affects of just the backlinks on
your rankings. However, the fact that you ARE link building shouldn't
be ignored.
The key is to get the most SEO benefit without sacrificing any quality.
Tip #1 – Vary Your Anchor Text
It seems like many still hold exact match as the holy grail of anchor text. The truth is that exact match is and has been losing its effectiveness
for a long time. You can build a much stronger link profile and gain
better links from your guest blogging by varying your anchor text.
isn't one single formula for varying your anchor text, just get
creative! Use synonyms, extract some terms, include other terms etc.
Your ticket to effective and varied linking text is partial match and
Ex. Keyword: WordPress plugins for SEO
- Partial Match: WordPress plugins
- Partial Match: plugins for SEO
- Partial Match: plugins for link building
- Synonyms: WP plugins for SEO
- Synonyms: WP plugins for search engine optimization
- Both: Easy WP SEO
- Both: SEO Plug-ins for your site
- Both: Build SEO rankings with plugins
Like I said,
there's no single strategy for your variation. The 3 fast and dirty
methods I go by: Add terms, remove terms, and use synonyms.
Tip #2 – Optimize Your Title
stepping into dangerous territory with this tip. Let me remind you
that guest blogging has many uses besides SEO and these tips are for
improving your SEO without concentrating only on SEO.
your keyword in the title tag will be very helpful for the relevance
of your post. The sooner your keyword appears in the title the
better. By using keyword variation, you give yourself a lot more
options for creating a title that is both appealing for users and also
optimized for your SEO.
Tip #3 – Find Relevant Domains
URL is a very important factor on the relevance and power of a
webpage. One reason for including your keyword in the title is that it
will then show up in the URL on most blogs. You can take this
practice one step further by purposely writing for blogs that have part
of the keyword phrase you're targeting in their domain name.
I like to use My Blog Guest
to search for blogs in my niche. You can visit MBG to find a list of
websites in your niche that are actively accepting guest posts.
you do this you should have a list of sites in your industry. You can
mouse over each site title to preview the link URL. This way you can
see very quickly if part of your keyword is in the domain.
course, there are many other important factors so don't get too
concerned with this tactic alone. Check out the recent posts for
comments and social activity to get a better feel for the popularity
and liveliness of the site. A great result would have at least one
word from your keyword phrase in the domain and an active audience.
Tip #4 – Don't Use Your Resource/Profile for SEO
the SEO benefits of your post to the resource/profile links alone is a
mistake. You can use those links to drive traffic to your site by
promoting an offer or some other related and appealing page on your
of the strongest types of links you can get is an editorial link. An
editorial backlink is a link from within the actual body content of a
page where only the webmaster can edit the content. It's a powerful
link because only the webmaster has control over this part of the page,
and usually webmasters don't just link to anyone. It's a sign of
Tip #5 – Link Early
The sooner your link the better.
Google values links that appear earlier in the content more
than those that come later on. It makes sense doesn't it? If you
have an important resource to recommend or if you are writing a
response to a similar article, you would link to it right away. The
first links in an article often lead to the pages most relevant to it.
can use this knowledge to your advantage by linking to the page on
your site you're trying to rank higher within the first 1-3 paragraphs
of your post.
Discover more guest blogging ideas and tactics in my ebook Guest Blogging Master
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