I wrote a general SEO Tutorial some years ago, the vast majority of this search engine optimization tutorial is still relevant, but like the rest of the world I’ve moved on and now use WordPress as an SEO CMS and so this WordPress SEO Tutorial will concentrate on WordPress users. This tutorial will still be very useful to non WordPress users, but there’s going to be a lot of highly WordPress SEOspecific search engine optimization information.
I also sell WordPress SEO/AdSense Ready themes and will aim this SEO tutorial at my customers to help them get the very best search engine optimization out of my WordPress SEO themes.
The WordPress SEO/AdSense themes sold on this website supports the WordPress SEO Plugins. The plugins add useful features not already present within WordPress out the box. It is well worth taking 15 minutes reading the features of these WordPress plugins, it can make search engine optimizing your WordPress blog much easier.

WordPress SEO

WordPress SEO
The majority of my WordPress theme customers are looking to incorporate AdSense into their sites to monetize their content and not SEO their WordPress content per se. This is a BIG mistake, although WordPress out the box with almost any WordPress theme is better than your average website from an SEO perspective, WordPress is clearly NOT designed by an SEO expert for maximum search engine results (it’s very good, but it’s not awesome).
My WordPress AdSense/SEO themes include the very best SEO template optimization code possible** and so even if you didn’t have a clue what SEO was when you wrote your content, the SEO theme code will help a LOT with search engine ranking. That being said there is also a lot more you can do to improve the SEO of your WordPress blogs content especially when using one of my AdSense/SEO themes.
** If you can find a better Search Engine Optimized WordPress theme for free or paid (that’s not stolen my SEO code) I will give you a copy of any one of my SEO/AdSense themes for free! This offers been available for as long as this template sites been live and to date not one person’s even tried to claim a free WordPress theme.
Lets cover the technical details first, please note some of the information described in this SEO Tutorial will sound like you need a computer programming degree to perform if you’ve never attempted similar before. My wife is a bit of a technophobe, she just doesn’t get it fast! So I’ve learnt to explain computer terminology in a VERY detailed way that almost anyone can follow (I have to write little computer tutorials for my wife :) ). Be patient and I’m sure even the least confident WordPress user will be able to get this working just as I do on my WordPress SEO’d blogs. If you do get a little stuck feel free to post a comment and I’ll try to help out.